Accessing your test web pages

The following procedure describes how to view your test pages from a web browser, after installing and configuring PHP and the SQL Anywhere PHP module.

To view your web pages
  1. Restart your web server.

    For example, to start the Apache web server, run the following command from the bin subdirectory of your Apache installation:

    apachectl start
  2. On Linux or Mac OS X, set the SQL Anywhere environment variables using one of the supplied scripts.

    Depending on which shell you are using, enter the appropriate command to source the SQL Anywhere configuration script from your SQL Anywhere installation directory:

    In this shell ... ... use this command
    sh, ksh, or bash . /bin32/
    csh or tcsh source /bin32/sa_config.csh
  3. Start the SQL Anywhere database server.

    For example, to access the test web pages described above, use the following command to start the SQL Anywhere sample database.

    dbeng11 samples-dir\demo.db
  4. To access the test pages from a browser that is running on the same computer as the server, enter the following URLs:

    For this test page ... ... use this URL
    info.php http://localhost/info.php
    sa_test.php http://localhost/sa_test.php

    If everything is configured correctly, the sa_test page displays the contents of the Employees table.