
Returns the number of rows in the result set.

sqlany_num_rows ( $stmt )
  • $stmt   A statement object executed by sqlany_execute or sqlany_execute_direct.


Returns a scalar value that is the number of rows in the result set. If the number of rows is an estimate, the number returned is negative and the estimate is the absolute value of the returned integer. The value returned is positive if the number of rows is exact.


By default, this function only returns an estimate. To return an exact count, set the ROW_COUNTS option on the connection. For more information, see row_counts option [database].

A count of the number of rows in a result set can be returned only for the first result set in a statement that returns multiple result sets. If sqlany_get_next_result is used to move to the next result set, sqlany_num_rows will still return the number of rows in the first result set.

See also
stmt = api.sqlany_execute_direct( conn, "SELECT * FROM Employees" )
# Get number of rows in result set
num_rows = api.sqlany_num_rows( stmt )