This section provides an overview of how to write Ruby applications that use the SQL Anywhere DBI driver. Complete documentation
for the DBI module is available online at
To use the DBI:SQLAnywhere interface from a Ruby application, you must first tell Ruby that you plan to use the Ruby DBI module. To do so, include the following line near the top of the Ruby source file.
require 'dbi' |
The DBI module automatically loads the SQL Anywhere database driver (DBD) interface as required.
Generally, you open a single connection to a database and then perform all the required operations through it by executing a sequence of SQL statements. To open a connection, you use the connect function. The return value is a handle to the database connection that you use to perform subsequent operations on that connection.
The call to the connect function takes the general form:
dbh = DBI.connect('DBI:SQLAnywhere:server-name', user-id, password, options) |
server-name is the name of the database server that you wish to connect to. Alternately, you can specify a connection string in the format "option1=value1;option2=value2;...".
user-id is a valid user ID. Unless this string is empty, ";UID=value" is appended to the connection string.
password is the corresponding password for the user ID. Unless this string is empty, ";PWD=value" is appended to the connection string.
options is a hash of additional connection parameters such as DatabaseName, DatabaseFile, and ConnectionName. These are appended to the connection string in the format "option1=value1;option2=value2;...".
To demonstrate the connect function, start the database server and sample database before running the sample Ruby scripts.
dbeng11 samples-dir\demo.db |
The following code sample opens and closes a connection to the SQL Anywhere sample database. The string "demo" in the example below is the server name.
require 'dbi' DBI.connect('DBI:SQLAnywhere:demo', 'DBA', 'sql') do |dbh| if print "Successfully Connected\n" dbh.disconnect() end end |
Optionally, you can specify a connection string in place of the server name. For example, in the above script may be altered by replacing the first parameter to the connect function as follows:
require 'dbi' DBI.connect('DBI:SQLAnywhere:ENG=demo;DBN=demo;UID=DBA;PWD=sql') do |dbh| if print "Successfully Connected\n" dbh.disconnect() end end |
Because the user ID and password are specified in the connection string, it is not necessary to specify parameters 2 and 3
to the connect function. However, if you pass a hash of additional connection parameters, then specify an empty string (''
) for the user ID and password parameters.
The following example shows how additional connection parameters can be passed to the connect function as a hash of key/value pairs.
require 'dbi' DBI.connect('DBI:SQLAnywhere:demo', 'DBA', 'sql', { :ConnectionName => "RubyDemo", :DatabaseFile => "demo.db", :DatabaseName => "demo" } ) do |dbh| if print "Successfully Connected\n" dbh.disconnect() end end |
Once you have obtained a handle to an open connection, you can access and modify data stored in the database. Perhaps the simplest operation is to retrieve some rows and print them out.
A SQL statement must be executed first. If the statement returns a result set, you use the resulting statement handle to retrieve meta information about the result set and the rows of the result set. The following example obtains the column names from the metadata and displays the column names and values for each row fetched.
require 'dbi' def db_query( dbh, sql ) sth = dbh.execute(sql) print "# of Fields: #{sth.column_names.size}\n" sth.fetch do |row| print "\n" sth.column_info.each_with_index do |info, i| unless info["type_name"] == "LONG VARBINARY" print "#{info["name"]}=#{row[i]}\n" end end end sth.finish end begin dbh = DBI.connect('DBI:SQLAnywhere:demo', 'DBA', 'sql') db_query(dbh, "SELECT * FROM Products") rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e puts "An error occurred" puts "Error code: #{e.err}" puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}" puts "Error SQLSTATE: #{e.state}" ensure dbh.disconnect if dbh end |
The first few lines of output that appear are reproduced below.
# of Fields: 8 ID=300 Name=Tee Shirt Description=Tank Top Size=Small Color=White Quantity=28 UnitPrice=9.00 ID=301 Name=Tee Shirt Description=V-neck Size=Medium Color=Orange Quantity=54 UnitPrice=14.00 |
It is important to call finish to release the statement handle when you are done. If you do not, then you may get an error like the following:
Resource governor for 'prepared statements' exceeded |
To detect handle leaks, the SQL Anywhere database server limits the number of cursors and prepared statements permitted to a maximum of 50 per connection by default. The resource governor automatically generates an error if these limits are exceeded. If you get this error, check for undestroyed statement handles. Use prepare_cached sparingly, as the statement handles are not destroyed.
If necessary, you can alter these limits by setting the max_cursor_count and max_statement_count options. See max_cursor_count option [database], and max_statement_count option [database].
Inserting rows requires a handle to an open connection. The simplest way to insert rows is to use a parameterized INSERT statement, meaning that question marks are used as place holders for values. The statement is first prepared, and then executed once per new row. The new row values are supplied as parameters to the execute method.
require 'dbi' def db_query( dbh, sql ) sth = dbh.execute(sql) print "# of Fields: #{sth.column_names.size}\n" sth.fetch do |row| print "\n" sth.column_info.each_with_index do |info, i| unless info["type_name"] == "LONG VARBINARY" print "#{info["name"]}=#{row[i]}\n" end end end sth.finish end def db_insert( dbh, rows ) sql = "INSERT INTO Customers (ID, GivenName, Surname, Street, City, State, Country, PostalCode, Phone, CompanyName) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" sth = dbh.prepare(sql); rows.each do |row| sth.execute(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4], row[5],row[6],row[7],row[8],row[9]) end end begin dbh = DBI.connect('DBI:SQLAnywhere:demo', 'DBA', 'sql') rows = [ [801,'Alex','Alt','5 Blue Ave','New York','NY','USA', '10012','5185553434','BXM'], [802,'Zach','Zed','82 Fair St','New York','NY','USA', '10033','5185552234','Zap'] ] db_insert(dbh, rows) dbh.commit db_query(dbh, "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE ID > 800") rescue DBI::DatabaseError => e puts "An error occurred" puts "Error code: #{e.err}" puts "Error message: #{e.errstr}" puts "Error SQLSTATE: #{e.state}" ensure dbh.disconnect if dbh end |
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Copyright © 2009, iAnywhere Solutions, Inc. - SQL Anywhere 11.0.1 |