Using the iAnywhere WSDL compiler

Given a WSDL source that describes a web service, the iAnywhere WSDL compiler generates a set of Java proxy classes, C# proxy classes, or SQL SOAP client procedures for SQL Anywhere that you include in your application.

The Java or C# classes generated by the WSDL compiler are intended for use with QAnywhere. These classes expose web service operations as method calls. The classes that are generated are:

For information about the generated proxy classes, see:

The WSDL compiler supports WSDL 1.1 and SOAP 1.1 over HTTP and HTTPS.

wsdlc  [options] wsdl-uri

This is the specification for the WSDL (Web Services Description Language) source (a URL or file).

  • -h   Display help text.

  • -v   Display verbose information.

  • -o output-directory   Specify an output directory for generated files.

  • -l language   Specify a language for the generated files. This is one of java, cs (for C#), or sql. These options must be specified in lowercase letters.

  • -d   Display debug information that may be helpful when contacting iAnywhere customer support.

Java-specific options:
  • -p package   Specify a package name. This permits you to override the default package name.

C#-specific options:
  • -n namespace   Specify a namespace. This permits you to wrap the generated classes in a namespace of your choosing.

SQL-specific options:
  • -f filename   (Required) Specify the name of the output SQL file to which the SQL statements are written. This operation overwrites any existing file of the same name.

  • -p=prefix   Specify a prefix for the generated function or procedure names. The default prefix is the service name followed by a period (for example, "WSDish.").

  • -x   Generate procedure definitions rather than function definitions.

This is the name of the WSDL file that describes a web service.

WSDLC does not expand complex parameters representing structures or arrays. Such parameters are commented out to allow the database server to automatically create the given procedure or function without modification. However, in order for the SOAP operation to work, such parameters must be analyzed and manually composed. The process may require using the SQL Anywhere XMLELEMENT function with the XMLATTRIBUTES parameter to generate complex XML representations of structures.