Handling data types

Data types

The following SQL data types can be passed to an external library:

SQL data type sqldef.h C type
CHAR DT_FIXCHAR Character data, with a specified length
VARCHAR DT_VARCHAR Character data, with a specified length
LONG VARCHAR, TEXT DT_LONGVARCHAR Character data, with a specified length
UNIQUEIDENTIFIERSTR DT_FIXCHAR Character data, with a specified length
XML DT_LONGVARCHAR Character data, with a specified length
NCHAR DT_NFIXCHAR UTF-8 character data, with a specified length
NVARCHAR DT_NVARCHAR UTF-8 character data, with a specified length
LONG NVARCHAR, NTEXT DT_LONGNVARCHAR UTF-8 character data, with a specified length
UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DT_BINARY Binary data, 16 bytes long
BINARY DT_BINARY Binary data, with a specified length
VARBINARY DT_BINARY Binary data, with a specified length
LONG BINARY DT_LONGBINARY Binary data, with a specified length
TINYINT DT_TINYINT 1-byte integer
[ UNSIGNED ] INT DT_INT, DT_UNSINT [ Unsigned ] 4-byte integer
[ UNSIGNED ] BIGINT DT_BIGINT, DT_UNSBIGINT [ Unsigned ] 8-byte integer
REAL, FLOAT(1-24) DT_FLOAT Single precision floating point number
DOUBLE, FLOAT(25-53) DT_DOUBLE Double precision floating point number

You cannot use any of the date or time data types, and you cannot use the DECIMAL or NUMERIC data types (including the money types).

To provide values for INOUT or OUT parameters, use the set_value API function. To read IN and INOUT parameters, use the get_value API function.

Determining data types of parameters

After a call to get_value, the type field of the an_extfn_value structure can be used to obtain data type information for the parameter. The following sample code fragment shows how to identify the type of the parameter.

an_extfn_value      arg;
a_sql_data_type     data_type;

extapi->get_value( arg_handle, 1, &arg );
data_type = arg.type & DT_TYPES;
switch( data_type ) 

For more information on data types, see Using host variables.

UTF-8 types

The UTF-8 data types such as NCHAR, NVARCHAR, LONG NVARCHAR and NTEXT as passed as UTF-8 encoded strings. A function such as the Windows MultiByteToWideChar function can be used to convert a UTF-8 string to a wide-character (Unicode) string.

Passing NULL

You can pass NULL as a valid value for all arguments. Functions in external libraries can supply NULL as a return value for any data type.

Return values

To set a return value in an external function, call the set_value function with an arg_num parameter value of 0. If set_value is not called with arg_num set to 0, the function result is NULL.

It is also important to set the data type of a return value for a stored function call. The following code fragment shows how to set the return data type.

an_extfn_value      retval;

retval.type = DT_LONGVARCHAR;
retval.data = result;
retval.piece_len = retval.len.total_len = (a_sql_uint32) strlen( result );
extapi->set_value( arg_handle, 0, &retval, 0 );