an_extfn_result_set_column_info structure

Used to describe a result set.

typedef struct an_extfn_result_set_column_info {
    char *                              column_name;
    a_sql_data_type                     column_type;
    a_sql_uint32                        column_width;
    a_sql_uint32                        column_index;
    short int                           column_can_be_null;
} an_extfn_result_set_column_info;
  • column_name   Points to the name of the column which is a null-terminated string.

  • column_type   Indicates the type of the column. This is one of the Embedded SQL data types such as DT_INT, DT_FIXCHAR, or DT_BINARY. See Embedded SQL data types.

  • column_width   Defines the maximum width for char(n), varchar(n) and binary(n) declarations and is set to 0 for all other types.

  • column_index   The ordinal position of the column which starts at 1.

  • column_can_be_null   Set to 1 if the column is nullable; otherwise it is set to 0.


The following code fragment shows how to set the properties for objects of this type and how to describe the result set to the calling SQL environment.

// set up column descriptions
// DepartmentID          INTEGER NOT NULL
col_info[0].column_name  = "DepartmentID";
col_info[0].column_type  = DT_INT;
col_info[0].column_width = 0;
col_info[0].column_index = 1;
col_info[0].column_can_be_null = 0;

// DepartmentName        CHAR(40) NOT NULL
col_info[1].column_name  = "DepartmentName";
col_info[1].column_type  = DT_FIXCHAR;
col_info[1].column_width = 40;
col_info[1].column_index = 2;
col_info[1].column_can_be_null = 0;

extapi->set_value( arg_handle,
                (an_extfn_value *)&rs_info,
                EXTFN_RESULT_SET_DESCRIBE );
See also