an_extfn_api structure

Used to communicate with the calling SQL environment.

typedef struct an_extfn_api {
    short (SQL_CALLBACK *get_value)(
                void *          arg_handle,
                a_sql_uint32    arg_num,
                an_extfn_value *value
    short (SQL_CALLBACK *get_piece)(
                void *          arg_handle,
                a_sql_uint32    arg_num,
                an_extfn_value *value,
                a_sql_uint32    offset
    short (SQL_CALLBACK *set_value)(
                void *          arg_handle,
                a_sql_uint32    arg_num,
                an_extfn_value *value
                short           append
    void (SQL_CALLBACK *set_cancel)(
                void *          arg_handle,
                void *          cancel_handle
} an_extfn_api;
  • get_value   Use this callback function to get the specified parameter's value. The following example gets the value for parameter 1.
    result = extapi->get_value( arg_handle, 1, &arg )
    if( result == 0 || == NULL )
        return; // no parameter or parameter is NULL

  • get_piece   Use this callback function to get the next chunk of the specified parameter's value (if there are any). The following example gets the remaining pieces for parameter 1.
    cmd = (char *)malloc( arg.len.total_len + 1 );
    offset = 0;
    for( ; result != 0; )
         if( == NULL ) break;
         memcpy( &cmd[offset],, arg.piece_len );
         offset += arg.piece_len;
         cmd[offset] = '\0';
         if( arg.piece_len == 0 ) break;
         result = extapi->get_piece( arg_handle, 1, &arg, offset );

  • set_value   Use this callback function to set the specified parameter's value. The following example sets the return value (parameter 0) for a RETURNS clause of a FUNCTION.
    an_extfn_value      retval;
    int ret = -1;
    // set up the return value struct
    retval.type = DT_INT; = (void*) &ret;
    retval.piece_len = retval.len.total_len =
        (a_sql_uint32) sizeof( int );
    extapi->set_value( arg_handle, 0, &retval, 0 );

  • set_cancel   Use this callback function to establish a pointer to a variable that can be set by the extfn_cancel method. The following is example.
    short               canceled = 0;
    extapi->set_cancel( arg_handle, &canceled );


A pointer to the an_extfn_api structure is passed by the caller to your external function. Here is an example.

extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
void my_external_proc( an_extfn_api *extapi, void *arg_handle )
    short               result;
    short               canceled;
    an_extfn_value      arg;

    canceled = 0;
    extapi->set_cancel( arg_handle, &canceled );

    result = extapi->get_value( arg_handle, 1, &arg );
    if( canceled || result == 0 || == NULL )
        return; // no parameter or parameter is NULL

Whenever you use any of the callback functions, you must pass back the argument handle that was passed to your external function as the second parameter.

See also