Step 5: Creating connection profiles for Sybase Central

This step involves the configuration of Sybase Central. If you are not installing Sybase Central, you can skip it.

When Sybase Central is installed on your system, a connection profile for SQL Anywhere 11 Demo is created in the .scRepository600 file. If you do not want to create one or more connection profiles, then you can skip this step.

The following commands were used to create the SQL Anywhere 11 Demo connection profile. Use this as a model for creating your own connection profiles.

scjview -write "ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Name" "SQL Anywhere 11 Demo"
scjview -write "ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/FirstTimeStart" "false"
scjview -write "ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Description" "Suitable Description"
scjview -write "ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/ProviderId" "sqlanywhere1100"
scjview -write "ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Provider" "SQL Anywhere 11"
scjview -write "ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Data/ConnectionProfileSettings" "DSN\eSQL^0020Anywhere^002011^0020Demo;UID\eDBA;PWD\e35c624d517fb"
scjview -write "ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Data/ConnectionProfileName" "SQL Anywhere 11 Demo"
scjview -write "ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Data/ConnectionProfileType" "SQL Anywhere"

The connection profile strings and values can be extracted from the .scRepository600 file. Define a connection profile using Sybase Central and then look at the .scRepository600 file for the corresponding lines.

Here is a portion of the .scRepository600 file that was created using the process described above. Some entries have been split across multiple lines for display purposes. In the file, each entry appears on a single line:

#  Version:
#  Fri Feb 23 13:09:14 EST 2007
ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Name=SQL Anywhere 11 Demo
ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/FirstTimeStart=false
ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Description=Suitable Description
ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/ProviderId=sqlanywhere1100
ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Provider=SQL Anywhere 11
ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Data/ConnectionProfileSettings=
ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Data/ConnectionProfileName=
    SQL Anywhere 11 Demo
ConnectionProfiles/SQL Anywhere 11 Demo/Data/ConnectionProfileType=
     SQL Anywhere