
This example shows how to prepare and execute a statement.

// *********************************************************************
// Copyright 1994-2008 iAnywhere Solutions, Inc.  All rights reserved.
// This sample code is provided AS IS, without warranty or liability
// of any kind.
// You may use, reproduce, modify and distribute this sample code
// without limitation, on the condition that you retain the foregoing
// copyright notice and disclaimer as to the original iAnywhere code.
// *********************************************************************
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "sacapidll.h"
#include <assert.h>

int main( )
    SQLAnywhereInterface  api;
    a_sqlany_connection * conn;
    a_sqlany_stmt       * stmt;
    unsigned int          max_api_ver;

    if( !sqlany_initialize_interface( &api, NULL ) ) {
        printf( "Could not initialize the interface!\n" );
        exit( 0 );

    if( !api.sqlany_init( "MyAPP", SQLANY_CURRENT_API_VERSION, &max_api_ver )) {
        printf( "Failed to initialize the interface! Supported version=%d\n", max_api_ver );
        sqlany_finalize_interface( &api );
        return -1;

    /* A connection object needs to be created first */
    conn = api.sqlany_new_connection();

    if( !api.sqlany_connect( conn, "pktdump=c:\\temp\\pktdump;uid=dba;pwd=sql" ) ) {
        api.sqlany_free_connection( conn );
        sqlany_finalize_interface( &api );
        exit( -1 );

    printf( "Connected successfully!\n" );

    api.sqlany_execute_immediate( conn, "drop procedure myproc" );
    api.sqlany_execute_immediate( conn,
            "create procedure myproc ( IN prefix char(10),       \n"
            "                          INOUT buffer varchar(256),\n"
            "                          OUT str_len int,          \n"
            "                          IN suffix char(10) ) \n"
            "begin                                       \n"
            "    set buffer = prefix || buffer || suffix;\n"
            "    select length( buffer ) into str_len;   \n"
            "end                                         \n" );
    stmt = api.sqlany_prepare( conn, "call myproc( ?, ?, ?, ? )" );

    if( stmt ) {

        a_sqlany_bind_param     param;
        char                    buffer[256] = "-some_string-";
        int                     str_len;
        size_t                  buffer_size = strlen(buffer);
        size_t                  prefix_length = 6;
        size_t                  suffix_length = 6;

        assert( api.sqlany_describe_bind_param( stmt, 0, &param ) );
        param.value.buffer = "PREFIX";
        param.value.length = &prefix_length;
        assert( api.sqlany_bind_param( stmt, 0, &param ) );

        assert( api.sqlany_describe_bind_param( stmt, 1, &param ) );
        param.value.buffer = buffer;
        param.value.length = &buffer_size;
        //params[1].value.type      = A_STRING;           // already set by sqlany_describe_bind_param()
        //params[1].direction       = INPUT_OUTPUT;       // already set by sqlany_describe_bind_param()
        param.value.buffer_size = sizeof(buffer);         // IMPORTANT: this field must be set for
                                                          // OUTPUT and INPUT_OUTPUT parameters so that
                                                          // the library knows how much data can be written
                                                          // into the buffer
        assert( api.sqlany_bind_param( stmt, 1, &param ) );

        assert( api.sqlany_describe_bind_param( stmt, 2, &param ) );
        param.value.buffer      = (char *)&str_len;
        param.value.is_null     = NULL;                   // use NULL if not interested in nullability
        //param.value.type          = A_VAL32;            // already set by sqlany_describe_bind_param()
        //param.direction           = OUTPUT_ONLY;        // already set by sqlany_describe_bind_param()
        //param.value.buffer_size = sizeof(str_len);      // for non string or binary buffers, buffer_size is not needed
        assert( api.sqlany_bind_param( stmt, 2, &param ) );

        assert( api.sqlany_describe_bind_param( stmt, 3, &param ) );
        param.value.buffer      = "SUFFIX";
        param.value.length      = &suffix_length;
        //params.value.type     = A_STRING;               // already set by sqlany_describe_bind_param()
        assert( api.sqlany_bind_param( stmt, 3, &param ) );

        /* We are not expecting a result set so the result set parameter could be NULL */
        if( api.sqlany_execute( stmt ) ) {
            printf( "Complete string is %s and is %d chars long \n", buffer, str_len );
            assert( str_len == (6+13+6) );

            buffer_size = str_len;
            api.sqlany_execute( stmt );
            printf( "Complete string is %s and is %d chars long \n", buffer, str_len );
            assert( str_len == 6+(6+13+6)+6 );
        } else {
            char buffer[SACAPI_ERROR_SIZE];
            int  rc;
            rc = api.sqlany_error( conn, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
            printf( "Failed to execute! [%d] %s\n", rc, buffer );

        /* Free the statement object or there will be a memory leak */
        api.sqlany_free_stmt( stmt );

    api.sqlany_disconnect( conn );

    /* Must free the connection object or there will be a memory leak */
    api.sqlany_free_connection( conn );


    sqlany_finalize_interface( &api );

    return 0;