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sqlany_describe_bind_param function

Describes the bind parameters of a prepared statement.

sacapi_bool sqlany_describe_bind_param( a_sqlany_stmt * stmt,
  sacapi_u32 index, a_sqlany_bind_param * param )
  • stmt   A statement prepared successfully using sqlany_prepare.

  • index   The index of the parameter. The number must be between 0 and sqlany_num_params() - 1.

  • param   The a_sqlany_bind_param structure that is populated with information.


This function allows the caller to determine information about prepared statement parameters. The type of prepared statement (stored procedure or a DML), determines the amount of information provided. The direction of the parameters (input, output, or input-output) are always provided.


1 on success or 0 on failure.

See also