SATcpOptionsBuilder members

Public constructors
Member name Description

SATcpOptionsBuilder constructors

Initializes a new instance of the SATcpOptionsBuilder class.

Public properties
Member name Description

Broadcast property

Gets or sets the Broadcast option.

BroadcastListener property

Gets or sets the BroadcastListener option.

[external link] BrowsableConnectionString (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString is visible in Visual Studio designers.

ClientPort property

Gets or sets the ClientPort option.

[external link] ConnectionString (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets or sets the connection string associated with the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.

[external link] Count (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets the current number of keys that are contained within the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.ConnectionString.

DoBroadcast property

Gets or sets the DoBroadcast option.

Host property

Gets or sets the Host option.

IPV6 property

Gets or sets the IPV6 option.

[external link] IsFixedSize (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets a value that indicates whether the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder has a fixed size.

[external link] IsReadOnly (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets a value that indicates whether the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder is read-only.

Item property (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Gets or sets the value of the connection keyword.

Keys property (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Gets an System.Collections.ICollection that contains the keys in the SAConnectionStringBuilder.

LDAP property

Gets or sets the LDAP option.

LocalOnly property

Gets or sets the LocalOnly option.

MyIP property

Gets or sets the MyIP option.

ReceiveBufferSize property

Gets or sets the ReceiveBufferSize option.

SendBufferSize property

Gets or sets the Send BufferSize option.

ServerPort property

Gets or sets the ServerPort option.

TDS property

Gets or sets the TDS option.

Timeout property

Gets or sets the Timeout option.

[external link] Values (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Gets an [external link] ICollection that contains the values in the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.

VerifyServerName property

Gets or sets the VerifyServerName option.

Public methods
Member name Description

[external link] Add (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Adds an entry with the specified key and value into the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder.

[external link] Clear (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Clears the contents of the [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder instance.

ContainsKey method (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Determines whether the SAConnectionStringBuilder object contains a specific keyword.

[external link] EquivalentTo (inherited from DbConnectionStringBuilder)

Compares the connection information in this [external link] DbConnectionStringBuilder object with the connection information in the supplied object.

GetKeyword method (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Gets the keyword for specified SAConnectionStringBuilder property.

GetUseLongNameAsKeyword method (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Gets a boolean values that indicates whether long connection parameter names are used in the connection string.

Remove method (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Removes the entry with the specified key from the SAConnectionStringBuilder instance.

SetUseLongNameAsKeyword method (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Sets a boolean value that indicates whether long connection parameter names are used in the connection string. Long connection parameter names are used by default.

ShouldSerialize method (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Indicates whether the specified key exists in this SAConnectionStringBuilder instance.

ToString method

Converts the TcpOptionsBuilder object to a string representation.

TryGetValue method (inherited from SAConnectionStringBuilderBase)

Retrieves a value corresponding to the supplied key from this SAConnectionStringBuilder.

See also