SADataAdapter members

Public constructors
Member name Description

SADataAdapter constructors

Initializes a new instance of the SADataAdapter class.

Public properties
Member name Description

[external link] AcceptChangesDuringFill (inherited from DataAdapter)

Gets or sets a value indicating whether [external link] DataRow.AcceptChanges is called on a [external link] DataRow after it is added to the [external link] DataTable during any of the Fill operations.

[external link] AcceptChangesDuringUpdate (inherited from DataAdapter)

Gets or sets whether [external link] DataRow.AcceptChanges is called during a [external link] DataAdapter.Update.

[external link] ContinueUpdateOnError (inherited from DataAdapter)

Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to generate an exception when an error is encountered during a row update.

DeleteCommand property

Specifies an SACommand object that is executed against the database when the Update method is called to delete rows in the database that correspond to deleted rows in the DataSet.

[external link] FillLoadOption (inherited from DataAdapter)

Gets or sets the [external link] LoadOption that determines how the adapter fills the [external link] DataTable from the [external link] DbDataReader.

InsertCommand property

Specifies an SACommand that is executed against the database when the Update method is called that adds rows to the database to correspond to rows that were inserted in the DataSet.

[external link] MissingMappingAction (inherited from DataAdapter)

Determines the action to take when incoming data does not have a matching table or column.

[external link] MissingSchemaAction (inherited from DataAdapter)

Determines the action to take when existing [external link] DataSet schema does not match incoming data.

[external link] ReturnProviderSpecificTypes (inherited from DataAdapter)

Gets or sets whether the Fill method should return provider-specific values or common CLS-compliant values.

SelectCommand property

Specifies an SACommand that is used during Fill or FillSchema to obtain a result set from the database for copying into a DataSet.

TableMappings property

Specifies a collection that provides the master mapping between a source table and a DataTable.

UpdateBatchSize property

Gets or sets the number of rows that are processed in each round-trip to the server.

UpdateCommand property

Specifies an SACommand that is executed against the database when the Update method is called to update rows in the database that correspond to updated rows in the DataSet.

Public methods
Member name Description

[external link] Fill (inherited from DbDataAdapter)

Adds or refreshes rows in the [external link] DataSet.

[external link] FillSchema (inherited from DbDataAdapter)

Adds a [external link] DataTable named "Table" to the specified [external link] DataSet and configures the schema to match that in the data source based on the specified [external link] SchemaType.

GetFillParameters method

Returns the parameters set by you when executing a SELECT statement.

[external link] ResetFillLoadOption (inherited from DataAdapter)

Resets [external link] DataAdapter.FillLoadOption to its default state and causes [external link] DataAdapter.Fill to honor [external link] DataAdapter.AcceptChangesDuringFill.

[external link] ShouldSerializeAcceptChangesDuringFill (inherited from DataAdapter)

Determines whether the [external link] DataAdapter.AcceptChangesDuringFill should be persisted.

[external link] ShouldSerializeFillLoadOption (inherited from DataAdapter)

Determines whether the [external link] DataAdapter.FillLoadOption should be persisted.

[external link] Update (inherited from DbDataAdapter)

Calls the respective INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the specified array of [external link] DataRow objects.

Public events
Member name Description

[external link] FillError (inherited from DataAdapter)

Returned when an error occurs during a fill operation.

RowUpdated event

Occurs during an update after a command is executed against the data source. When an attempt to update is made, the event fires.

RowUpdating event

Occurs during an update before a command is executed against the data source. When an attempt to update is made, the event fires.

See also