Error handling and the SQL Anywhere .NET Data Provider

Your application must be designed to handle any errors that occur, including ADO.NET errors. ADO.NET errors are handled within your code in the same way that you handle other errors in your application.

The SQL Anywhere .NET Data Provider throws SAException objects whenever errors occur during execution. Each SAException object consists of a list of SAError objects, and these error objects include the error message and code.

Errors are different from conflicts. Conflicts arise when changes are applied to the database. Your application should include a process to compute correct values or to log conflicts when they arise.

For more information about handling conflicts, see Resolving conflicts when using the SADataAdapter.

.NET Data Provider error handling example

The following example is from the Simple sample project. Any errors that occur during execution and that originate with SQL Anywhere .NET Data Provider objects are handled by displaying them in a window. The following code catches the error and displays its message:

catch( SAException ex ) {
    MessageBox.Show( ex.Errors[0].Message );
Connection error handling example

The following example is from the Table Viewer sample project. If there is an error when the application attempts to connect to the database, the following code uses a try and catch block to catch the error and display its message:

try {
    _conn = new SAConnection( txtConnectString.Text );
  } catch( SAException ex ) {
    MessageBox.Show( ex.Errors[0].Source + " : "
     + ex.Errors[0].Message + " (" +
     ex.Errors[0].NativeError.ToString() + ")",
         "Failed to connect" );

For more error handling examples, see Understanding the Simple sample project and Understanding the Table Viewer sample project.

For more information about error handling, see SAFactory class and SAError class.