a_create_db structure

Holds the information needed to create a database using the DBTools library.

typedef struct a_create_db {
    unsigned short      version;
    const char          *dbname;
    const char          *logname;
    const char          *startline;
    unsigned short      page_size;
    const char          *default_collation;
    const char          *nchar_collation;
    const char          *encoding;
    MSG_CALLBACK        errorrtn;
    MSG_CALLBACK        msgrtn;

    a_bit_field         blank_pad               : 2;
    a_bit_field         respect_case            : 1;
    a_bit_field         encrypt                 : 1;
    a_bit_field         avoid_view_collisions   : 1;
    a_bit_field         jconnect                : 1;
    a_bit_field         checksum                : 1;
    a_bit_field         encrypted_tables        : 1;
    a_bit_field         case_sensitivity_use_default : 1;
    char                verbose;
    char                accent_sensitivity;
    const char          *mirrorname;
    const char          *data_store_type;
    const char          *encryption_key;
    const char          *encryption_algorithm;
    char                *dba_uid;
    char                *dba_pwd;
    unsigned int        db_size;
    int                 db_size_unit;

} a_create_db;
Member Description
version DBTools version number.
dbname Database file name.
logname New transaction log name.

The command line used to start the database server. For example:


The default start line is used if this member is NULL

The following is the default START parameter:

"dbeng11 -gp page_size -c 10M"
page_size The page size of the database.
default_collation The collation for the database.
nchar_collation If not NULL, use to generate the NCHAR COLLATION clause with specified string.
errorrtn Callback routine for handling an error message.
msgrtn Callback routine for handling an information message.
blank_pad Must be one of NO_BLANK_PADDING or BLANK_PADDING. Treat blanks as significant in string comparisons and hold index information to reflect this. See Blank padding enumeration.
respect_case Make string comparisons case sensitive and hold index information to reflect this.
encrypt When set, generates the ENCRYPTED ON or, when encrypted_tables is also set, the ENCRYPTED TABLES ON clause.
avoid_view_collisions Omit the generation of Watcom SQL compatibility views SYS.SYSCOLUMNS and SYS.SYSINDEXES.
jconnect Include system procedures needed for jConnect.
checksum Set to 1 for ON or 0 for OFF. Generates one of CHECKSUM ON or CHECKSUM OFF clauses.
encrypted_tables Set to 1 for encrypted tables. Used with encrypt, generates the ENCRYPTED TABLE ON clause instead of the ENCRYPTED ON clause.
case_sensitivity_use_default If set, use the default case sensitivity for the locale. This only affects UCA. When set, do not add the CASE RESPECT clause to the CREATE DATABASE statement.
verbose See Verbosity enumeration.
accent_sensitivity One of y, n, or f (yes, no, french). Generates one of the ACCENT RESPECT, ACCENT IGNORE or ACCENT FRENCH clauses.
mirrorname Transaction log mirror name.
data_store_type Reserved. Use NULL.
encryption_key The encryption key for the database file. Used with encrypt, it generates the KEY clause.
encryption_algorithm The encryption algorithm (AES, AES256, AES_FIPS, or AES256_FIPS). Used with encrypt and encryption_key, it generates the ALGORITHM clause.
dba_uid When not NULL, generates the DBA USER xxx clause.
dba_pwd When not NULL, generates the DBA PASSWORD xxx clause.
db_size When not 0, generates the DATABASE SIZE clause.
db_size_unit Used with db_size, must be one of DBSP_UNIT_NONE, DBSP_UNIT_PAGES, DBSP_UNIT_BYTES, DBSP_UNIT_KILOBYTES, DBSP_UNIT_MEGABYTES, DBSP_UNIT_GIGABYTES, DBSP_UNIT_TERABYTES. When not DBSP_UNIT_NONE, it generates the corresponding keyword (for example, DATABASE SIZE 10 MB is generated when db_size is 10 and db_size_unit is DBSP_UNIT_MEGABYTES). See Database size unit enumeration.
See also