db_locate_servers function

unsigned intdb_locate_servers(
SQLCA * sqlca,
SQL_CALLBACK_PARM callback_address,
void * callback_user_data );

Provides programmatic access to the information displayed by the dblocate utility, listing all the SQL Anywhere database servers on the local network that are listening on TCP/IP.

The callback function must have the following prototype:

int (*)( SQLCA * sqlca,
a_server_address * server_addr,
void * callback_user_data );

The callback function is called for each server found. If the callback function returns 0, db_locate_servers stops iterating through servers.

The sqlca and callback_user_data passed to the callback function are those passed into db_locate_servers. The second parameter is a pointer to an a_server_address structure. a_server_address is defined in sqlca.h, with the following definition:

typedef struct a_server_address {
    a_sql_uint32 port_type;
    a_sql_uint32 port_num;
    char         *name;
    char         *address;
} a_server_address;
  • port_type   Is always PORT_TYPE_TCP at this time (defined to be 6 in sqlca.h).

  • port_num   Is the TCP port number on which this server is listening.

  • name   Points to a buffer containing the server name.

  • address   Points to a buffer containing the IP address of the server.

Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise.

See also