Connection pooling

The SQL Anywhere .NET Data Provider supports connection pooling. Connection pooling allows your application to reuse existing connections by saving the connection handle to a pool so it can be reused, rather than repeatedly creating a new connection to the database. Connection pooling is turned on by default.

The pool size is set in your connection string using the POOLING option. The default maximum pool size is 100, while the default minimum pool size is 0. You can specify the minimum and maximum pool sizes. For example:

"Data Source=SQL Anywhere 11 Demo;POOLING=TRUE;Max Pool Size=50;Min Pool Size=5"

When your application first attempts to connect to the database, it checks the pool for an existing connection that uses the same connection parameters you have specified. If a matching connection is found, that connection is used. Otherwise, a new connection is used. When you disconnect, the connection is returned to the pool so that it can be reused.

See also