Adding the SQL Anywhere ASP.NET provider schema to the database

To implement the SQL Anywhere ASP.NET providers you can create a new database, or add the schema to an existing database.

To add the schema to an existing SQL Anywhere database, run SASetupAspNet.exe. When executed, SASetupAspNet.exe connects to an existing SQL Anywhere database and creates tables and stored procedures required by the SQL Anywhere ASP.NET providers. All SQL Anywhere ASP.NET provider resources are prefixed with aspnet_. To minimize naming conflicts with existing database resources you can install provider database resources under any database user.

You can use a wizard or the command line to run SASetupAspNet.exe. To access the wizard, run the application, or execute a command line statement without arguments. When using the command line to access the SASetupAspNet.exe, use the question mark (-?) argument to display detailed help for configuring the database.

Setting up the database connection

It is recommended that you specify a connection string for a user with DBA authority. A user with DBA authority can create resources for other users that might not have the necessary permissions. Alternatively, specify a connection string for a user with RESOURCE authority. The RESOURCE authority allows a user to create database objects, such as tables, views, stored procedures, and triggers. The RESOURCE authority is not inherited through group membership, and can be granted only by a user with DBA authority.

Specifying a resource owner

The wizard and command line allow you to specify the owner of the new resources. By default, the owner of new resources is DBA. When you specify the connection string for the SQL Anywhere ASP.NET providers, specify the user as DBA. You do not need to grant the user any permissions; the DBA owns the resources and has full permissions on the tables and stored procedures.

Selecting features and preserving data

You can add or remove specific features. Common components are installed automatically. Selecting Remove for an uninstalled feature has no effect; selecting Add for a feature already installed reinstalls the feature. By default, the data in tables associated with the selected feature is preserved. If a user significantly changes the schema of a table, it might not be possible to automatically preserve the data stored in it. If a clean reinstall is required, data preservation can be turned off.

It is recommended that the membership and roles providers are installed together. The effectiveness of the Visual Studio ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool is reduced when the membership provider is not installed with the roles provider.