a_dblic_info structure

Holds information containing licensing information. You must use this information only in a manner consistent with your license agreement.

typedef struct a_dblic_info {
    unsigned short      version;
    char                *exename;
    char                *username;
    char                *compname;
    a_sql_int32         nodecount;
    a_sql_int32         conncount;
    a_license_type      type;
    MSG_CALLBACK        errorrtn;
    MSG_CALLBACK        msgrtn;
    a_bit_field         quiet           : 1;
    a_bit_field         query_only      : 1;
    char                *installkey;
} a_dblic_info;
Member Description
version DBTools version number.
exename Name of the server executable or license file.
username User name for licensing.
compname Company name for licensing.
nodecount Number of nodes licensed.
conncount Must be 1000000L.
type See lictype.h for values.
errorrtn Callback routine for handling an error message.
msgrtn Callback routine for handling an information message.
quiet Operate without printing messages (1), or print messages (0).
query_only If 1, just display the license information. If 0, permit changing the information.
installkey Internal use only. Set to NULL.