Replicate site components

You can use SQL Anywhere as a replicate site. If you use SQL Anywhere as a replicate site, you do not need the LTM.

The following diagram illustrates the components required for SQL Anywhere to participate in a Replication Server installation as a replicate site.

The replication site components consist of Replication Server, the SQL Anywhere database server, and the database.
  • Replication Server receives data changes from primary site servers.

  • Replication Server connects to SQL Anywhere to apply the changes.

  • SQL Anywhere makes the changes to the database.

Asynchronous procedure calls

The Replication Server can use asynchronous procedure calls (APC) at replicate sites to alter data at a primary site database. If you are using APCs, the above diagram does not apply. Instead, the requirements are the same as for a primary site.