-ga server option

Unloads the database after the last non-HTTP client connection disconnects.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -ga ...
Applies to

All operating systems.


Specifying this option on the network server causes each database to be unloaded after the last non-HTTP client connection disconnects. In addition to unloading each database after the last non-HTTP connection disconnects, the database server shuts down when the last database is stopped.

If the only connection to a database is an HTTP connection, and the database is configured to stop automatically, when the HTTP connection disconnects, the database is not unloaded. As well, if you specify the -ga option, and the database has an HTTP connection and a command sequence or TDS connection, when the last command sequence or TDS connection disconnects, the database autostops, and any HTTP connections are dropped.

See also