DoBroadcast protocol option [DOBROAD]

Controls how a client searches for a database server, and controls whether the database server broadcasts when it starts.




ALL, NONE, DIRECT (client side)

YES, NO (server side)


ALL (client side)

YES (server side)


Client usage   With DoBroadcast=ALL a broadcast is performed to search for a database server. The broadcast goes first to the local subnet. If HOST= is specified, broadcast packets are also sent to each of the hosts. All broadcast packets are UDP packets.

With DoBroadcast=DIRECT, no broadcast is performed to the local subnet to search for a database server. Broadcast packets are sent only to the hosts listed in the HOST (IP) protocol option. If you specify DoBroadcast=DIRECT, the HOST (IP) protocol option is required.

Specifying DoBroadcast=NONE causes no UDP broadcasts to be used and the server address cache (sasrv.ini) is ignored. A TCP/IP connection is made directly with the HOST/PORT specified, and the server name is verified. With TCP/IP, you can choose not to verify the server name by setting the VerifyServerName (VERIFY) protocol option to NO. The HOST (IP) protocol option is a required parameter, unless LDAP is being used, while the ServerPort (PORT) protocol option is optional.

For DIRECT and NONE, you must specify the server host with the HOST option.

Server usage   Setting DoBroadcast=NO prevents the database server from broadcasting to find other servers with the same name when starting up. This is useful in certain rare circumstances, but it is not generally recommended.

See also

The following command starts a client without broadcasting to search for a database server. Instead, the server is looked for only on the computer named silver.

CommLinks=tcpip(DOBROADCAST=DIRECT;HOST=silver) demo