-ui server option

On Linux this option opens the Server Startup Options window, displays the database server messages window, and starts the database server whether or not the X window server starts. On Mac OS X -ui displays database server messages in a new window and starts the database server in shell mode if a usable display isn't available.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -ui ...
Applies to

Linux with X window server support, Mac OS X


On Linux the -ui option allows you to use the Server Startup Options window to specify server options when starting the database server, and to display the database server messages window once the database server has started. On Mac OS X, server messages are redirected to a new window within DBLauncher.app.

On Linux, when the -ui option is the only option specified on the server command line, the Server Startup Options window appears where you can enter options for starting the database server. On Mac OS X you must use the -ui option with the other options required to start the database server.

The database server attempts to find a usable display when -ui is specified. If it cannot find one, for example because the DISPLAY environment variable isn't set or because X window server isn't running, then the database server starts in shell mode. If you do not want the database server to start when it cannot locate a usable display, specify the -ux option rather than -ui. You should only specify one of -uc, -ui, -um, or -ux.

For information about starting the database server as a daemon, see -ud server option.

See also