secure_feature_key [database]

Allows you to enable features for the connection that were secured using the database server -sf option.

Allowed values





Can be set as a temporary option only, for the duration of the current connection.


You can specify features that cannot be used by databases running on a server by including the -sf option when you start the database server. The -sk server option lets you specify a key that can be used to re-enable all secured (disabled) features for a connection and gives that connection authority to change the features that are secured for all databases running on the database server. When you set the value of the secure_feature_key temporary option to the value specified by -sk when the database server was started, then all features are re-enabled for that database connection, and on that connection you can use the sa_server_option system procedure to control access to database features.

If the secure_feature_key option is set to any value other than the one specified by -sk, no error is given, and the features specified by -sf remain disabled for the connection.

See also

The following command starts a database server named secure_server with access to the request log and all remote data access features disabled. The key specified by the -sk option can be used later to enable these features for a specific database connection.

dbsrv11 -n secure_server -sf request_log,remote -sk j978kls12 testdb.db

Setting the secure_feature_key option to the value specified by -sk for a database running on the secure_server database server enables access to the request log and remote data access features for that connection:

SET TEMPORARY OPTION secure_feature_key = 'j978kls12';