Introduction to the SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent

If you are running SQL Anywhere on Windows (32-bit versions), you can use the SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent in conjunction with SNMP management applications to manage your SQL Anywhere databases. One agent can be used to monitor several different databases running on different database servers running on different computers.

Using the SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent, you can:

  • Retrieve the value of all server and database statistics.

  • Retrieve the value of all server and database properties.

  • Retrieve the value of all PUBLIC database options.

  • Set the value for any PUBLIC database option.

  • Execute stored procedures.

  • Generate traps based on property or statistic values.

Supplied files

The following files for the SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent are included in your SQL Anywhere installation:

  • dbsnmp11.dll   The SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent. This file is located in install-dir\bin32.

  • iAnywhere.mib   The SQL Anywhere MIB contains all the OIDs for database server and database properties, statistics, and options that can be accessed using the SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent.

  • RDBMS-MIB.mib   This is a generic MIB for relational database management systems and contains OIDs that can be accessed using the SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent.

  • SNMPv2-SMI.mib   This MIB is referenced by the SQL Anywhere and RDBMS MIBs.

  • SNMPv2-TC.mib   This MIB is referenced by the SQL Anywhere and RDBMS MIBs.

  • SYBASE-MIB.mib   The Sybase MIB. This MIB is referenced by the SQL Anywhere MIB.

  • sasnmp.ini   This file lists the databases that the SQL Anywhere SNMP Extension Agent monitors. By default, this file is located in install-dir\bin32.