Connect to a database from a client application

To connect a client application to a database using an integrated login:

  • Set the Integrated (INT) parameter in the list of connection parameters to YES.

  • Do not specify a user ID or password in the connection string or Connect window.

If the Integrated (INT) parameter is set to YES in the connection string, an integrated login is attempted. The server attempts a standard login when the connection attempt fails and the login_mode database option is set to Standard,Integrated. See login_mode option [database].

If an attempt to connect to a database is made without providing a user ID or password, an integrated login is attempted. The success of the login attempt is dependent on whether the current user profile name matches an integrated login mapping in the database.

Interactive SQL examples

In the following example, the connection attempt succeeds when the user logs in with a user profile that matches the integrated login mapping in the default database server:


The Interactive SQL statement CONNECT can connect to a database when:

  • A server is currently running.

  • The default database has the login_mode database option set to accept integrated login connections.

  • An integrated login mapping has been created that matches the current user's user profile name or for a Windows user group to which the user belongs.

  • A user clicks OK without providing more information when the more connection information prompt appears.