Creating dbspaces

You create a new database file, or dbspace, either from Sybase Central, or using the CREATE DBSPACE statement. The database file for a new dbspace can be located on the same disk drive as the main file or on another disk drive. You must have DBA authority to create dbspaces.

For each database, you can create up to twelve dbspaces in addition to the main dbspace. A newly-created dbspace is empty. When you create a new table or index you can place it in a specific dbspace with an IN clause in the CREATE statement or set the default_dbspace option before creating the table. If you don't specify an IN clause, and don't change the setting of the default_dbspace option, the table is created in the system dbspace.

Each table is contained entirely in the dbspace it is created in. By default, indexes appear in the same dbspace as their table, but you can place them in a separate dbspace by supplying an IN clause as part of the CREATE statement.

See also

Create a dbspace