KeepaliveTimeout protocol option [KTO]

Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that the database server waits for a complete request.








Normally, a connection is closed after each request. When a client requests the Keep-Alive option, an HTTP connection can be kept open after each request and response, so that multiple requests can be executed on the same connection.

Once a connection is opened, the client has the specified amount of time to send the complete HTTP request, including the body for POST requests. On connections where Keep-Alive is requested, the timeout is reset after sending a result, so the beginning of each request is like the opening of a new connection.

If you do not want the connection to time out, specify kto=0.

The difference between the KeepaliveTimeout and Timeout protocol options is that KeepaliveTimeout specifies the total time from opening the connection, while Timeout specifies the maximum amount of time between packets within the request.

See also