-ca server option

Enforces a static cache size.

{ dbsrv11 | dbeng11 } -ca 0 ...
Applies to

Windows, Unix, Mac OS X


You can disable automatic cache increase because of high server load by specifying -ca 0 on the command line. If you do not include the -ca 0 option, the database server automatically increases the cache size. The cache size still increases if the database server would otherwise run into the error Fatal Error: dynamic memory exhausted.

This server option must only be used in the form -ca 0.

This option is ignored if you are using an AWE cache. You can use the -cw option to create a larger cache using AWE. See -cw server option.

See also

The following example starts a server named myserver that has a static cache that is 40% of the available physical memory and loads the sample database:

dbsrv11 -c 40P -ca 0 -n myserver "samples-dir\demo.db"

For information about samples-dir, see Samples directory.