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Recover from media failure on an unmirrored transaction log

If your database is a primary site in a Replication Server installation, or a consolidated database in a MobiLink or SQL Remote installation, you should use a transaction log mirror, or hardware equivalent. See Transaction log mirrors.

To recover from media failure on an unmirrored transaction log (partial recovery)
  1. Make an extra backup copy of the database file. Without a transaction log, the database file contains the only record of the changes made since the last backup and the most recent checkpoint.

  2. Delete or rename the transaction log file.

  3. Restart the database with the -f option.

    dbeng11 samples-dir\demo.db -f

    This command should only be used when the database is not participating in a MobiLink, SQL Remote, or Replication Server system. If your database is a consolidated database in a SQL Remote replication system, you may have to re-extract the remote databases.

    Without the -f option, the database server reports the lack of a transaction log as an error. With the -f option, the database server restores the database to the most recent checkpoint and then rolls back any transactions that were not committed at the time of the checkpoint. A new transaction log is then created.

See also