Create a Windows Mobile database using the CREATE DATABASE statement

The CREATE DATABASE statement can be used to create databases in Interactive SQL on your computer. However, you cannot copy them directly to a Windows Mobile device from this application. You must manually copy databases to your Windows Mobile device.

To create a database using the CREATE DATABASE statement
  1. Choose Start » Programs » SQL Anywhere 11 » Interactive SQL.

    If the Connect window does not appear automatically, choose SQL » Connect.

  2. On the Identification tab, click ODBC Data Source Name and type SQL Anywhere 11 Demo in the adjacent field.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Type the following statement in the SQL Statements pane of Interactive SQL:

    CREATE DATABASE 'c:\\temp\\database-name.db'

    You can also configure database properties such as encryption and page size using the CREATE DATABASE statement. See CREATE DATABASE statement.

  5. From the SQL menu, choose Execute.

    A database and transaction log are created in the c:\temp directory of your computer.

    For information about copying the database to your Windows Mobile device, see Copy a database to your Windows Mobile device.