Lesson 2: Create the application files

This lesson describes how to set up the application files.

Create the application files

  1. Create the file c:\tutorial\main.htm.

    Later in the tutorial, you will add more logic to main.htm. For now, you will simply set it up to include a platform-specific file, ul_deps.html.

    Add the following content to main.htm:

    <a href="AG_DEVICEOS/ul_deps.html"></a>
  2. Create the platform-specific file, ul_deps.html.

    This file references specific binaries for different operating systems, as follows:

    • Windows:   c:\tutorial\WIN32_OS\ul-deps.htm
      <!-- WIN32_OS\ul_deps.html -->
        <a href="ulpod11.dll"></a>
        <a href="tutCustomer.udb"></a>

    • Windows Mobile:   c:\tutorial\WINCE_OS\ul-deps.htm
      <!-- WINCE_OS\ul_deps.html -->
        <a href="AG_DEVICEPROCESSOR/ulpod11.dll"></a>
        <a href="tutCustomer.udb"></a>

    • Palm:   c:\tutorial\PALM_OS\ul-deps.htm
      <!-- PALM_OS\ul_deps.html -->
        <a href="ulpod11.prc"></a>
        <a href="tutCustomer.pdb"></a>

  3. Copy the UltraLite Pod file, ulpod11.dll for Windows and Windows Mobile or .prc for Palm, to the tutorial directory.

    • For Windows desktops, copy ulpod11.dll from install-dir\UltraLite\UltraLiteForMBusinessAnywhere\win32\386 to c:\tutorial\WIN32_OS\.
    • For Windows Mobile, copy ulpod11.dll from install-dir\UltraLite\UltraLiteForMBusinessAnywhere\CE\Arm to c:\tutorial\WINCE_OS\arm\.
    • For the Palm OS, copy ulpod11.prc from install-dir\UltraLite\UltraLiteForMBusinessAnywhere\Palm\68k to c:\tutorial\PALM_OS\.

    All application files are now in place.