appendBytesParameter method

Appends the specified subset of the specified array of bytes to the new value for the specified SQLType.LONGBINARY column.

  UInt16 parameterID, 
  Array value, 
  UInt32 srcOffset, 
  UInt32 count
  • parameterID   The ID number of the parameter. The first parameter in the result set has an ID value of one.

  • value   The value to append to the current new value for the parameter.

  • srcOffset   Start position in the source array.

  • count   The number of bytes to be copied.


The bytes at position srcOffset (starting from 0) through srcOffset+count-1 of the array value are appended to the value for the specified parameter. When inserting, insertBegin initializes the new value to the parameter's default value.

If any of the following is true, an Error with code SQLError.SQLE_INVALID_PARAMETER is thrown and the destination is not modified:

  • The value argument is null.
  • The srcOffset argument is negative.
  • The count argument is negative.
  • srcOffset+count is greater than value.length, the length of the source array.