SyncParms class

Maintains the parameters used during the database synchronization process.

public SyncParms

This interface is invoked using the createSyncParms method of a Connection interface object.

You can only set one synchronization command at a time. These commands are specified using the setDownloadOnly, setPingOnly, and setUploadOnly methods. By setting one of these methods to true, you set the other methods to false.

The UserName and Version parameters must be set. The UserName must be unique for each client database.

The communication stream is configured using the getStreamParms method based on the type of SyncParms class object. For example, the following code prepares and performs an HTTP synchronization:

SyncParms syncParms = myConnection.createSyncParms(

Comma Separated Lists AuthenticationParms, Publications, and TableOrder parameters are all specified using a string value that contains a comma separated list of values. Values within the list may be quoted using either single quotes or double quotes, but there are no escape characters. Leading and trailing spaces in values are ignored unless quoted. For example:

syncParms.setTableOrder("'Table A',\"Table B,D\",Table C" );

specifies "Table A" then "Table B,D" and then "Table C".


All members of SyncParms, including all inherited members.

HTTP_STREAM variable
SyncParms function
getAcknowledgeDownload function
getAuthenticationParms function
getLivenessTimeout function
getNewPassword function
getPassword function
getPublications function
getSendColumnNames function
getStreamParms function
getSyncObserver function
getSyncResult function
getTableOrder function
getUserName function
getVersion function
isDownloadOnly function
isPingOnly function
isUploadOnly function
setAcknowledgeDownload function
setAuthenticationParms function
setDownloadOnly function
setLivenessTimeout function
setNewPassword function
setPassword function
setPingOnly function
setPublications function
setSendColumnNames function
setSyncObserver function
setTableOrder function
setUploadOnly function
setUserName function
setVersion function