CollectionOfValueWriters interface

Provides methods to set the column value of a given row.

public CollectionOfValueWriters
Derived classes

All methods are prepared based on a SQL statement, which is defined in the initial declaration of a PreparedStatement, and are applied to the database with the execute method.

When updating a column value, you must reference the column by the order number as it appears in the prepared SQL statement. This number is passed as an integer parameter, ordinal, which has a base index of one.

The following example demonstrates how to declare a new PreparedStatement with a SQL UPDATE statement, prepare your change using the set method, and apply those changes to the UltraLite database.

// Define a new prepared SQL statement.
String sql_string = "UPDATE SampleTable SET column1 = ? WHERE pkey = 1";

// Create a new PreparedStatement from an existing connection.
PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql_string);

// Set a String value to the first column in the SQL statement (column1).
ps.set(1, "New Value");

// Commit the changes to the database.

All members of CollectionOfValueWriters, including all inherited members.

getBlobOutputStream function
getClobWriter function
getOrdinal function
set function
set function
set function
set function
set function
set function
set function
set function
set function
set function
setNull function