Lesson 2: Create MobiLink scripts and start the MobiLink server

In this lesson, you prepare your consolidated database for synchronization using Sybase Central.

  1. From the Start menu, choose Programs » SQL Anywhere 11 » Sybase Central.
  2. In the Sybase Central Task pane, choose Create A Synchronization Model from the MobiLink 11 tasks.
    1. Type the Synchronization model name HelloBlackBerrySyncModel, and store the model in the c:\tutorial\database folder. Click Next.
    2. Click Choose a Consolidated Database.
    3. In the Connect window choose the HelloBlackBerry ODBC Data Source and click OK.
    4. Click Yes to create the MobiLink system setup.
    5. Choose No, Create A New Remote Schema.
    6. For downloads, choose Timestamp-based Download.
    7. Click Finish to complete creating the synchronization model and save the project.
  3. Right-click the synchronization model and choose Deploy. Choose to deploy only to the consolidated database.
  4. In the Deploy Synchronization Model Wizard, choose Save SQL and deploy the database. When prompted for the consolidated database, specify the ODBC data source HelloBlackBerry.
  5. For the MobiLink user and password choose user name mluser with password mlpassword.
  6. Click Finish to deploy the synchronization model to the consolidated database.