Lesson 1: Create a BlackBerry JDE project

In this lesson, you create a new BlackBerry Java Development Environment (JDE) project.

  1. From the JDE File menu, choose New Workspace.
  2. Choose a location for your workspace; for example, c:\tutorials. Name the workspace HelloBlackBerry and click OK.
  3. In this tutorial, the workspace contains a single project. From the Project menu, choose Create New Project.
  4. Name the project HelloBlackBerry and click OK.
  5. Add the UltraLiteJ JAR file to the project.
    1. In the Workspace window, right-click the project and choose Properties.
    2. On the Build tab, click Add, which is located next to the Imported Jar Files field.
    3. Browse to the UltraLiteJ\J2meRim11\UltraLiteJ.jar file in your UltraLiteJ installation and click Open.
    4. Click OK to close the Properties window.
  6. From the Project menu, choose Set Active Projects. Select the HelloBlackBerry project and click OK.
  7. Save the project.