Encrypting and obfuscating data

By default, the data in an UltraLiteJ database is not encrypted. You can encrypt or obfuscate data using the API. Encryption provides secure representation of the data whereas obfuscation provides a simplistic level of security that is intended to prevent casual observation of the database contents.

To encrypt or obfuscate data in the database

  1. Create a class that implements the EncryptionControl interface.

    The following example creates a new class, Encryptor, which implements the encryption interface.

    static class Encryptor
        implements EncryptionControl
  2. Implement the initialize, encrypt, and decrypt methods in the new class.

    Your class should now look similar to the following:

    static class Encryptor
        implements EncryptionControl
        /** Decrypt a page stored in the database.
         * @param page_no the number of the page being decrypted
         * @param src the encrypted source page which was read from the database
         * @param tgt the decrypted page (filled in by method)
        public void decrypt( int page_no, byte[] src, byte[] tgt )
            throws ULjException
            // Your decryption method goes here.
        /** Encrypt a page stored in the database.
         * @param page_no the number of the page being encrypted
         * @param src the unencrypted source
         * @param tgt the encrypted target page which will be written to the database (filled in by method)
        public void encrypt( int page_no, byte[] src, byte[] tgt )
            throws ULjException
            // Your encryption method goes here.
        /** Initialize the encryption control with a password.
         * @param password the password
        public void initialize(String password)
            throws ULjException
            // Your initialization method goes here.
  3. Configure the database to use your new class for encryption control.

    You can set the encryption control with the setEncryption method. The following example assumes that you have created a new Configuration, config, that references the name of the database.

    config.setEncryption(new Encryptor());
  4. Connect to the database.

    Any data that is added or changed in the database is now encrypted.


Encryption and obfuscation is not available for non-persistent database stores.

See also