Adding UltraLite database objects using the SQL Anywhere Explorer

In Visual Studio, when you drag certain database objects from the SQL Anywhere Explorer and drop them onto Visual Studio designers, the IDE automatically creates new components that reference the selected objects. You can configure the settings for drag and drop operations by choosing Tools » Options in Visual Studio and opening the SQL Anywhere node.

The following table lists the UltraLite objects you can drag from the SQL Anywhere Explorer, and describes the components created when you drop them onto a Visual Studio Forms Designer or Code Editor.

Item Result
Data connection Creates a data connection.
Table Creates an adapter.

To create a new UltraLite data component using the SQL Anywhere Explorer

  1. Open the form or class that you want to add a data component to.

  2. In the SQL Anywhere Explorer, select the UltraLite object you want to use.

  3. Drag the object from the SQL Anywhere Explorer to the Forms Designer or Code Editor.