FindLast(Int16) method

Moves backward through the table from the end, looking for a row that exactly matches a value or partial set of values in the current index.

Visual Basic

Public Function FindLast( _
   ByVal numColumns As Short _
) As Boolean

public bool FindLast(
   short numColumns
  • numColumns   For composite indexes, the number of columns to use in the find. For example, if you have a three column index and you want to find a value that matches based on the first column only, you should set the value for the first column, then supply a value of 1.

Return value

True if successful, false otherwise


To specify the value for which to search, set the column value for each column in the index. The cursor is left on the first row found that exactly matches the index value. On failure, the cursor position is before the first row (ULDataReader.IsBOF).

Each search must be preceded by a call to FindBegin.

See also