AppendChars method

Appends the specified subset of the specified array of System.Chars to the new value for the specified ULDbType.LongVarchar column.

Visual Basic

Public Sub AppendChars( _
   ByVal columnID As Integer, _
   ByVal val As Char(), _
   ByVal srcOffset As Integer, _
   ByVal count As Integer _

public void AppendChars(
   int columnID,
   char[] val,
   int srcOffset,
   int count
  • columnID   The ID number of the column. The value must be in the range [0,ULDataReader.FieldCount-1]. The first column in the cursor has an ID value of zero.

  • val   The value to append to the current new value for the column.

  • srcOffset   The start position in the source array.

  • count   The number of bytes to be copied.


The characters at position srcOffset (starting from 0) through srcOffset+count-1 of the array val are appended to the value for the specified column. When inserting, ULTable.InsertBegin initializes the new value to the column's default value. The data in the row is not actually changed until you execute an ULTable.Insert, and that change is not made permanent until it is committed.

When updating, the first append on a column clears the current value prior to appending the new value.

If any of the following is true, a ULException with code ULSQLCode.SQLE_INVALID_PARAMETER is thrown and the destination is not modified:

For other errors, a ULException with the appropriate error code is thrown.

See also