ULIndexSchema class

UL Ext.: Represents the schema of an UltraLite table index. This class cannot be inherited.

Visual Basic

Public NotInheritable Class ULIndexSchema 

public sealed class ULIndexSchema 

There is no constructor for this class. Index schemas are created using the ULTableSchema.PrimaryKey, ULTableSchema.GetIndex(string), and ULTableSchema.GetOptimalIndex(int) of the ULTableSchema.

See also

ULIndexSchema members
ColumnCount property
IsForeignKey property
IsForeignKeyCheckOnCommit property
IsForeignKeyNullable property
IsOpen property
IsPrimaryKey property
IsUniqueIndex property
IsUniqueKey property
Name property
ReferencedIndexName property
ReferencedTableName property
GetColumnName method
IsColumnDescending method