ULFileTransfer class

UL Ext.: Transfers a file from a remote database using the MobiLink server. This class cannot be inherited.

Visual Basic

Public NotInheritable Class ULFileTransfer 

public sealed class ULFileTransfer 

You do not need a database connection to perform a file transfer, however, if your application will be using an UltraLite database with the UltraLite Engine runtime, you must set ULDatabaseManager.RuntimeType to the appropriate value before using this API or any other UltraLite.NET API.

To transfer a file you must set the ULFileTransfer.FileName, ULFileTransfer.Stream, ULFileTransfer.UserName, and ULFileTransfer.Version.

See also

ULFileTransfer members
ULFileTransfer constructor
AuthStatus property
AuthValue property
AuthenticationParms property
DestinationFileName property
DestinationPath property
DownloadedFile property
FileAuthCode property
FileName property
ForceDownload property
Password property
ResumePartialDownload property
Stream property
StreamErrorCode property
StreamErrorSystem property
StreamParms property
UserName property
Version property
DownloadFile methods