ULDatabaseManager class

UL Ext.: Manages synchronization listeners and the UltraLite.NET runtime type. The ULDatabaseManager class also allows you to drop (delete) UltraLite.NET databases. This class cannot be inherited.

Visual Basic

Public NotInheritable Class ULDatabaseManager 

public sealed class ULDatabaseManager 

This class is a singleton class whose only instance is accessible through the static (Shared in Visual Basic) ULConnection.DatabaseManager.

To use the UltraLite Engine runtime of UltraLite.NET, set ULDatabaseManager.RuntimeType to the appropriate value before using any other UltraLite.NET API.


The following example selects the UltraLite Engine runtime and creates a connection.

' Visual Basic
ULDatabaseManager.RuntimeType = ULRuntimeType.UL_ENGINE_CLIENT
Dim conn As ULConnection = new ULConnection
' The RuntimeType is now locked

// C#
ULDatabaseManager.RuntimeType = ULRuntimeType.UL_ENGINE_CLIENT;
ULConnection conn = new ULConnection();
// The RuntimeType is now locked
See also

ULDatabaseManager members
RuntimeType property
CreateDatabase method
DropDatabase method
SetActiveSyncListener method
SetGlobalListener method
SetServerSyncListener method
SignalSyncIsComplete method
ValidateDatabase method