ULDataAdapter class

Represents a set of commands and a database connection used to fill a System.Data.DataSet and to update a database. This class cannot be inherited.

Visual Basic

Public NotInheritable Class ULDataAdapter 
  Inherits DbDataAdapter

public sealed class ULDataAdapter : DbDataAdapter

The System.Data.DataSet provides a way to work with data offline; that is, away from your UltraLite database. The ULDataAdapter provides methods to associate a System.Data.DataSet with a set of SQL statements.

Since UltraLite is a local database and MobiLink has conflict resolution, the use of the ULDataAdapter is limited. For most purposes, the ULDataReader or the ULTable provide more efficient access to data.

Inherits: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter

Implements: System.Data.IDbDataAdapter, System.Data.IDataAdapter, System.IDisposable

See also

ULDataAdapter members
ULDataAdapter constructors
DeleteCommand property
InsertCommand property
SelectCommand property
TableMappings property
UpdateCommand property
GetFillParameters method
RowUpdated event
RowUpdating event