ULCursorSchema class

UL Ext.: Represents the schema of an UltraLite.NET cursor. This class is abstract and so cannot be instantiated.

Visual Basic

MustInherit Public Class ULCursorSchema 

public abstract class ULCursorSchema 

This class is an abstract base class of the ULTableSchema class and the ULResultSetSchema class.

Note to users porting from the iAnywhere.UltraLite namespace: Column IDs are 0-based, not 1-based as they are in the iAnywhere.UltraLite namespace.

See also

ULCursorSchema members
ColumnCount property
IsOpen property
Name property
GetColumnID method
GetColumnName method
GetColumnPrecision method
GetColumnSQLName method
GetColumnScale method
GetColumnSize method
GetColumnULDbType method
GetSchemaTable method