BeginExecuteReader(CommandBehavior) method

Initiates the asynchronous execution of a SQL statement that is described by this ULCommand, using one of the CommandBehavior values, and retrieves the result set.

Visual Basic

Public Function BeginExecuteReader( _
   ByVal cmdBehavior As CommandBehavior _
) As IAsyncResult

public IAsyncResult BeginExecuteReader(
   CommandBehavior cmdBehavior
  • cmdBehavior   A bitwise combination of System.Data.CommandBehavior flags describing the results of the query and its effect on the connection. UltraLite.NET respects only the System.Data.CommandBehavior.Default, System.Data.CommandBehavior.CloseConnection, and System.Data.CommandBehavior.SchemaOnly flags.

Return value

An System.IAsyncResult that can be used to poll, wait for results, or both is returned; this value is also needed when invoking EndExecuteReader(IAsyncResult), which returns an ULDataReader instance that can be used to retrieve the returned rows.

See also