Add(String, Int32) method

Creates a new ULBulkCopyColumnMapping using a column name to refer to the source column and a column ordinal to refer to the destination the column, and adds the mapping to the collection.

Creates a new column mapping, using column ordinals or names to refer to source and destination columns.

Visual Basic

Public Function Add( _
   ByVal sourceColumn As String, _
   ByVal destinationColumnOrdinal As Integer _
) As ULBulkCopyColumnMapping

public ULBulkCopyColumnMapping Add(
   string  sourceColumn,
   int destinationColumnOrdinal
  • sourceColumn   The name of the source column within the data source.

  • destinationColumnOrdinal   The ordinal position of the destination column within the destination table. The first column in a table has ordinal position zero.


Restrictions: The ULBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection class is not available in the .NET Compact Framework 2.0.

See also