Authenticating users

UltraLite databases can define up to four user IDs. UltraLite databases are created with a default user ID and password of DBA and sql, respectively. All connections to an UltraLite database must supply a user ID and password. Password changes and user ID additions and deletions can be performed once a connection is established.

You cannot directly change a user ID. You can add a user ID and delete an existing user ID.

To add a user or change a password for an existing user

  1. Connect to the database as an existing user.

  2. Grant the user connection authority with the desired password using the conn->GrantConnectTo method.

    This procedure is the same whether you are adding a new user or changing the password of an existing user.

    See GrantConnectTo function.

To delete an existing user

  1. Connect to the database as an existing user.

  2. Revoke the user's connection authority using the conn->RevokeConnectFrom method.

    See RevokeConnectFrom function.