ULSaveEncryptionKey function

Saves the encryption key in Palm dynamic memory.

ul_bool ULSaveEncryptionKey(
ul_char * key,
ul_u_long * creator,
ul_u_long * feature-num

key   A pointer to the encryption key.

creator   A pointer to the creator ID of the feature that holds the encryption key. The default value is NULL.

feature-num   A pointer to the feature number that holds the encryption key. If feature-num is NULL, the application uses the UltraLite default value of 100.

  • True if the operation is successful.
  • False if the operation failed. This occurs if the feature was not found or if the supplied buffer length is insufficient to hold the key plus a terminating null character.

On the Palm OS the encryption key is saved in dynamic memory as a Palm feature. Features are indexed by creator and a feature number. They are not backed up and are cleared on any reset of the device.

Applies to Palm OS applications.

See also