ULCountUploadRows function

Counts the number of rows that need to be uploaded for synchronization.

ul_u_long ULCountUploadRows (
SQLCA * sqlca,
ul_char pub-list,
ul_u_long threshold

sqlca   A pointer to the SQLCA.

pub-list   A string containing a comma-separated list of publications to check. An empty string (UL_SYNC_ALL macro) implies all tables except tables marked as "no sync". A string containing just an asterisk (UL_SYNC_ALL_PUBS macro) implies all tables referred to in any publication. Some tables may not be part of any publication and are not included if the pub-list string is "*".

threshold   Determines the maximum number of rows to count, thereby limiting the amount of time taken by the call.

  • A threshold of 0 corresponds to no limit (that is, count all rows that need to be synchronized).
  • A threshold of 1 can be used to quickly determine if any rows need to be synchronized.
  • The number of rows that need to be synchronized, either in a specified set of publications or in the whole database.

Use this function to prompt users to synchronize.


The following call checks the entire database for the number of rows to be synchronized:

count = ULCountUploadRows( sqlca, UL_SYNC_ALL_PUBS, 0 );

The following call checks publications PUB1 and PUB2 for a maximum of 1000 rows:

count = ULCountUploadRows( sqlca, UL_TEXT("PUB1,PUB2"), 1000 );

The following call checks to see if any rows need to be synchronized in publications PUB1 and PUB2:

count = ULCountUploadRows( sqlca, UL_TEXT("PUB1,PUB2"), 1 );
See Also